Burnt Corn Sea Bream Tartare

I've had fish tartare quite a few times before, but I recently had a variation on it at a restaurant and it got me thinking about burning the corn on a Konro grill to infuse a clean, smoky flavour in it. Along with the homemade coriander oil, this dish packs a lot of flavour in!



  1. Fillet, skin, debone and dice the sea bream into small chunks
  2. On a BBQ or grill, char the corn. Leave to cool then cut off the cob into individual kernels
  3. Finely chop the chilli, shallot and coriander
  4. Dice the cucumber
  5. Add all ingredients to a bowl with the vinegar, coriander oil and lime juice
  6. Mix it all together and salt the mix to cut through some of the bitterness of the lime juice
  7. Serve with coriander oil as a garnish


If you don't have a Konro grill or BBQ, take the corn off the cob and bake it in a hot (220°C) oven until it chars on top.


I adapted this Great British Chefs recipe, removing the cream and additional garnish as I wanted a cleaner, simpler flavour on the final dish.

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Sea Bream, filleted Sea Bream, filleted Tartare preparation Final dish